Friday, 17 August 2012

Supplements & Diet Change for Great Skin

It can be a little tricky to know where to start with supplements & diet changes.  It is often these little changes that are the key to excellent skin health.  To make it easy, we have put together this easy to use chart for anyone who suffers from skin conditions. 

Or pop in to Fletcher Brown at any time and there will always be a friendly face there to help you!  We stock Ethical Nutrients supplements, and our clients get excellent results.

Skin Condition
Foods Best Avoided
·         Fish oil or Flaxseed oil
·         If inflamed EPO 2 x daily until inflammation subsides.
·         Probiotics before food.
·         Zinc fix, until zinc levels are high enough – then zinc maintain
·         Vit C
Tomatoes, Strawberries, Oranges, Peanuts, Yeast, Dairy, Sugar, reduce caffeinated drinks & reduce alcohol.
Dry Skin
·         Fish oil or flaxseed oil daily
Reduce caffeinated drinks & reduce alcohol.
·         Fish oil or Flaxseed oil
·         Evening Primrose oil
·         Probiotics before food.
·         Zinc fix, until zinc levels are high enough – then zinc maintain
·         Vit C
Tomatoes, Strawberries, Oranges, Peanuts, Yeast, Dairy, Sugar, reduce caffeinated drinks & reduce alcohol.
Acne Skin
·         Zinc
·         Vit C
·         Probiotics
Dairy, Yeast, Sugar, reduce caffeinated drinks & reduce alcohol.
·         Zinc
·         Probiotics
·         Vit C
Red wines, spicy food, reduce caffeinated drinks & reduce alcohol.
Psoriasis is linked to weight problems, psoriatic arthritis, high blood pressure, depression/anxiety & diabetes.  For best results, the underlying cause must be treated for long term results.  Topical skin treatments should be combined with help from your doctor/naturopath.
Smoking is best avoided for all skin types. Smoking dramatically impedes the skin healing ability, and the skins natural immunity.  Smoking leads to lowering of Vitamins C,E,D& A in the body.  All of these vitamins are important for skin function, health & healing – without enough of these vitamins, skin cannot be at its best. Smoking can be responsible for sensitivities in skin, premature ageing, lines, wrinkles, grey, dull and sallow skin tone & slow healing skin.

Most conditions take a month of treatment with diet & supplements for every year that the problem has occurred.  If condition does not improve with the recommendations after the required months, please see a good naturopath or medical practitioner.
Nb:  Please follow directions on supplement label unless otherwise advised by your doctor or naturopath.

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