Thursday, 20 June 2013


By Plastic Surgeon Mr Andrew Ives
Breast enlargement. Of all plastic surgery procedures, it seems to be the most often discussed—who has had it, who wants it, who doesn't, and why.

For years, breast enlargement has suffered from the Jordan effect: the perception that breast implant surgery results in disproportionately large, strangely-shaped breasts that appear patently false. But the results of breast enlargement can be noticeable without being obvious. Increasingly, patients are looking for breasts that appear natural and complement their overall appearance, rather than breasts that become a focal point.

Of course, there are still women who desire a very obvious change but in recent years, I have noticed more and more women seeking a natural looking result. One of the fastest growing categories of breast enlargement patients I see is made up of women seeking to restore their breasts after having children. Suffering a loss of volume following pregnancy and breastfeeding, these women have become dissatisfied with the size and appearance of their breasts. They aren't necessarily looking for large breasts; they simply want to go back to what they once had. Anecdotally, I have heard that this type of breast enlargement has become a hot topic during school drop-off and pick-up, with the procedure becoming more acceptable and no longer solely the domain of celebrities and the housewives of Beverly Hills.

But how can you ensure that your breast enlargement surgery will give you a natural looking result? Well, like any plastic surgery, there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to breast enlargement. Achieving a natural look depends on a combination of factors:
  • Body shape – Obtaining natural looking results depends first and foremost on assessing the patient's body. A good surgeon will take into account a patient's breast and body shape when considering implant sizes. Some patients may like the results they see on a friend and request the same sized implants, hoping for a similar look. But if that friend has a very different body shape, the same sized implants can look unnatural and may even cause complications.
  • Shape – In my opinion, teardrop shaped implants more closely mimic the natural shape of a woman's breast, creating a gentle slope from the upper chest and becoming fuller in the lower part of the breast. Round implants create a fuller appearance overall, with an emphasis on the upper breast, which may be more appropriate for some patients.
  • Composition – Implants composed of silicone gel feel and look more natural than implants composed of saline, which are firmer to the touch and can produce visible rippling beneath the skin.
  • Profile – This refers to the way the breasts project from the body. Some types of implants offer a lower profile while others have more projection. The type that will give you the most natural appearance depends on the volume of breast tissue that you have to start with.
  • Placement – Implants can be placed on top of or behind the pectoralis major muscle, the main muscle on the front of your chest. Placing the implant behind the muscle can help to create a smoother appearance but may not be suitable in every situation.
  • Incision – Incisions are typically made in one of three different places: armpit, areola or under the breast. The incision location can impact how well the implant is placed as well as scar visibility and must be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Most importantly, it is vital to be open to discussion with your surgeon about different options for achieving your desired results: it could be the difference between becoming a Pamela Anderson clone or having the breasts you want.

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